The Association has formed committees whose mandates are in line with its vision to actively contribute to the responsible development of a regulatory framework adapted to Quebec and with the public health and safety objectives targeted by the legalization of cannabis.
The committee ensures that a partnership between the cannabis industry and the SQDC is established and maintained. The committee identifies priority issues for the industry and, in collaboration with the SQDC, implements collaborative mechanisms. Transparency and efficiency are at the heart of the committee's actions. In addition, recommendations are made with a perspective to develop the industry in accordance with the SQDC's mission and the regulations in force. The committee consults and informs the other members of the Quebec Cannabis Association on areas of collaboration with the SQDC.
Chair AQIC Pierre Leclerc
Members AQIC Michel Timperio, Rose Science Vie Daniel Simard, Origine Nature David Bow, Great White North George Goulakos, Cannara Nicholas Sosiak, Greentone Pierre Monet, Tilray Krystel Benoit, Nuances Mj Roland-Pierre Chalifoux, Clem & Co David Clément, Organigram Nathalie Kubrick, Canopy growth Alison Currier .
The committee is composed by cannabis producers, ancillary service providers and legal experts, to conduct interventions with the federal legislator on behalf of the Quebec industry. The committee also produces briefs which are presented during federal government consultations.
Chair ROBIC Jason Moscovici
Members Hexo Andréanne D'Auteuil and Joelle Maurais, Greeetone Mariève Rodrigue, PurCann Pharma Pierre Plante and Vicky Roy, Navaya Claude Surprenant, Quebec Craft Cannabis Philippe Depault, Organigram Nathalie Kubrick and Marta Jankovic, Pilot Pilote Michel Corbeil et Dany Renauld
If you are interested in joining this committee, please send your application to
The committee's mission is to support the artisanal cannabis industry in Quebec and to develop the accessibility of artisanal cannabis for consumers by developing recommendations to support small and medium scale production in Quebec. The committee is recognized as the voice of Quebec's artisanal producers in AQIC's governing bodies
Chair Great White North Growers George Goulakos, Rose LifeScienceVie Daniel Simard
Member in charge Clem & Co David Clément
Members call for interest underway
If you are interested in joining this committee, please send your application to
The committee creates action plans and produces awareness and information tools to elected officials and civil servants. The committee has a good understanding of the loan and grant application process for government programs. All activities are conducted within strict compliance with lobbying laws.
Chair AQIC Pierre Leclerc
Members Canopy Growth to be announced, Origine Nature Dominique Laverdure, Nuances MJ Roland-Pierre B. Chalifoux, Pilote Michel Corbeil et Dany Renauld
If you are interested in joining this committee, please send your application to
The Committee's mission is to support employers and the workforce by setting up projects to promote careers related to the cannabis industry and contribute to the visibility and knowledge of employment in the sector. Identify and keep up to date workforce needs and issues in collaboration with educational institutions, industry, governments and stakeholders. Develop consultation and coordination mechanisms between organizations and workers, improve knowledge of the sector and contribute to ensure qualified succession.
Chair Rose Science Vie Danioel Simard
Members AQIC Pierre Leclerc, Rose Science Vie Gabriela Loureiro and Tamara Lovi, Origine Nature David Bow, Organigram Nathalie Kubrick, AGA WBL Samuel Verreault, Cannara France Landry, Vist labs Marie-Claude Ménard
If you are interested in joining this committee, please send your application to
The mandate of the committee is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge about medical cannabis, support the accessibility of medical cannabis, and share its expertise with stakeholders. The committee develops and recommends national policies for a safe and secure medical cannabis environment and makes recommendations on best practices, training, and actions necessary for its administration. The committee participates in working groups related to its mandate.
Chair Call for interest underway
Members call for interest underway
If you are interested in joining this committee, please send your application to
The mandate of the committee is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge about cannabis, its components, effects and applications, and to the advancement of science. The committee advises and recommends priorities and directions for research activities and the implementation of research programs. The committee makes available to members the state of the literature, facilitates relations between the scientific community by sharing information with universities, research centers and research funds, and by informing its members of research project opportunities and possibilities of collaboration with researchers or experts. The committee participates in working groups related to its mandate.
Chair PurCann Pharma Hugo St-Laurent
Members call for interest underway
If you are interested in joining this committee, please send your application to