Terms and conditions of use 


These terms and conditions govern the use of this site (www.aqic.ca) and the Google Play and App Store mobile application (the "Site").   

This site is owned and operated by the Association québécoise de l'industrie du chanvre et du cannabis ("AQIC").  

These Terms of Use posted on our website set forth the terms and conditions under which we offer you use of and access to our site, services and tools (the "Services").    

By using this site, you indicate that you have read and understood the Terms of Use and agree to abide by them at all times.  

Type of site: Non-profit site with membership sales and donations. Informative site with events, portfolio and e-commerce. 


Terms of use 

The aqic.ca website is published by the non-profit legal entity: Association québécoise de l'industrie du chanvre et du cannabis (AQIC), whose head office is located at 3900-1 Place Ville-Marie, Montreal (Quebec) H3B4M7, Canada.  

e-mail address : info@aqic.ca

The publication director is: Pierre Leclerc.  

The host of the aqic.ca site is Progexpert, whose head office is located at 20-905 rue de Nemours, Québec (Québec) G1H6Z5, Canada. 


Definition of terms 

AQIC – Membres : AQIC - Members, located at : aqic.ca/fr/espace-membre, is a members' area. Access is restricted to members and users authorized by the Association québécoise de l'industrie du chanvre et du cannabis ("AQIC"). 

Membre : Natural or legal person who has duly met AQIC's membership requirements. 

Utilisateur : Individuals or legal entities who have duly met the conditions for access to AQIC -Members. 

Utilisateur désigné : An individual authorized by a member or user and deemed to be employed by or a representative of the member or user. 


Intellectual property 

All content published and made available on this site is the property of the Association québécoise de l'industrie du chanvre et du cannabis and its creators. This includes, but is not limited to, images, texts, logos, documents, downloadable files and anything else that contributes to the composition of this site.  

User and member services contain material belonging to us, to you and to other users.    

You agree not to copy, modify, reproduce, resell or distribute the products or services unless you own them.    

We reserve the right to remove content if we have reason to believe that it violates these terms of use or the rights of third parties. 


Age restrictions 

The minimum age to use this site in Quebec is 21. Users agree that by using our site, they are over 21 years of age or that they are of the required age in their jurisdiction in the event that they do not reside in Quebec. We assume no legal liability for misrepresentation of age. 

Acceptable use of the website, your account and the services 

As a user, you agree to use our site lawfully and not to use this site for illegal purposes, namely: 

  • Communicate false or misleading information,   

  • Infringe the rights of third parties,   

  • harm AQIC or the interests or property of other AQIC users,  

  • circumvent measures intended to prevent or restrict access to AQIC - Members,  

  • Harass or abuse other users of the site,  

  • Violate the rights of other site users,  

  • Violate the intellectual property rights of the site owners or any third party to the site,   

  • Hack into the account of another site user,  

  • Act in any way that could be considered fraudulent,  

  • Participate in any illegal activity on the site,  

  • Post any material that may be deemed inappropriate or offensive. 

If we believe that you are using this site illegally or in a manner that violates the above acceptable terms of use, we reserve the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access to this site.   

We also reserve the right to take any legal action necessary to prevent you from accessing our site. 


User contributions 

Users can publish the following information on our site: 

  • Items or services for sale,  

  • Documents,  

  • Messages (chat),  

  • Job applications. 

By posting on our site, you agree not to act unlawfully or violate the acceptable use terms listed in this document. 



To use or access some or all of the Services, a member, user or designated user must register with us and create an account using his or her e-mail address and a password (your "Account").    

The e-mail address you provide will be the e-mail address associated with your name, and you will be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You shall be solely and exclusively responsible for all activities that occur under your account.    

Therefore, you must protect your password and make it difficult for anyone else to guess. You will not transfer your account to a third party without our consent. The member or user is responsible for his or her designated user account, if any.    

When you create an account on our site, you agree to the following: 

  • that you are solely responsible for your account and for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your account, including any passwords or sensitive information associated with your account, and 

  • that all personal information you provide to us through your account is current, accurate and true, and that you will update your personal information if it changes. 

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account if you use our site illegally or violate the acceptable use policy. 


Sales of goods and services 

This document governs the sale of goods and services made available on our site. 

The goods we offer include: 

  • Individual membership,  

  • Corporate membership,  

  • Donations, 

The services we offer include: 

  • Access to the AQIC member area and all its tools, products and services  

  • Career portal,   

  • Medical cannabis directory,  

  • Events. 

The goods and services linked to this document are the goods and services that are displayed on our site at the time you access it. This includes all products listed as being out of stock.   

Any information, descriptions or images we provide about our goods and services are described and presented as accurately as possible. However, we are not legally bound by such information, descriptions or images, as we cannot guarantee the accuracy of every product or service we or our members provide. You agree to purchase these goods and services at your own risk.  

In addition, any purchase from our site, including a membership, is subject to our acceptance. If we do not accept your order, we will refund your money. 


Sold by users 

Our site allows users to post goods and services for sale. Although we allow users to post goods and services for sale on our site, we assume no responsibility for these goods and services. 

We cannot guarantee the quality or accuracy of products sold by our users. However, if we become aware that a user is violating our standards of acceptable use, we reserve the right to suspend or prohibit the user from selling products on our site, and in the most serious cases, to suspend the user's privileges and access to AQIC - Members. 

Payments, fees and services 

Services will be invoiced in full when ordered.   

Use of services is reserved for AQIC members and users authorized by AQIC. Fees are charged according to the service offered and AQIC member status.    

Our fees are non-refundable and you are responsible for payment when due. If you fail to pay any fees due, we reserve the right to limit your access to services.    

You are solely responsible for collecting and remitting all taxes applicable to the sale of items or services you have posted on AQIC.   

You must be a resident of a country where the Laws and Regulations are not contrary to the business of AQIC and be capable of forming a binding contract under applicable law. You must have reached the age of majority or have reached the age of majority required under the regulations applicable to cannabis in your place of residence.    

You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to any purchase you may make from a seller through AQIC. 

We accept the following methods of payment: 

  • Credit card  

  • Bank transfer  

  • Cheque (corporate members only) 

By providing us with your payment details, you confirm that you have authorized us to use and access the payment instrument you have chosen to use. By providing us with your payment details, you confirm that you authorize us to charge the amount due to that payment instrument.  

If we believe that your payment has contravened any law or any of our terms of use, we reserve the right to cancel your transaction and any benefits arising from it. 


Membership subscriptions 

All recurring subscriptions will be automatically billed and renewed until we receive written notice, by e-mail to info@aqic.ca, mentioning that you wish to cancel your subscription or membership. 

You can cancel your membership free of charge within 14 days and obtain a refund, provided you have not used the services. After this period, no refund will be made. 


Limitation of liability 

The Association québécoise de l'industrie du chanvre et du cannabis and its employees will not be held responsible for any problems arising from improper use of this site.  

Services are provided on an "as is" basis. You agree not to hold AQIC responsible for ads placed by users or for the actions of users.    

AQIC does not guarantee the accuracy, efficacy or timeliness of any advertisements or user communications relating to the quality, safety or legality of what is offered. 

Our services do not operate in real time. We expressly disclaim all warranties, representations and conditions, express or implied, including those of quality, merchantability, durability, fitness for a particular purpose and those arising by law.   

We will not be liable for any financial or commercial loss, damage to reputation, or any special, indirect or consequential damages arising out of your use of the site and AQIC - Members.  



As a user, you hereby indemnify the Association québécoise de l'industrie du chanvre et du cannabis from and against any and all liability, costs, causes of action, damages or expenses arising out of your use of this site or your breach of any of the provisions set forth herein. 


Applicable laws 

This document is subject to the laws applicable in the province of Quebec and those of Canada and is intended to comply with its necessary rules and regulations.  

For EU residents, the RGPD is the applicable law governing this document. In the event of any inconsistency between a provision of this document and the RGPD, the rules of the RGPD will take precedence. 



If, at any time, any of the provisions set forth herein are found to be inconsistent with or invalid under applicable law, such provisions shall be deemed null and void and shall be removed from this document. All other provisions shall remain unaffected by such laws, and the remainder of this document shall continue to be considered valid. 


General information 

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between us and you, and supersede any prior agreements.   

This agreement is governed by the laws of the province of Quebec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.   

We submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the province of Quebec. 



These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time in order to maintain compliance with the law and to reflect any changes to the way we operate our site and the way we expect users to behave on our site.   

We recommend that our users check these terms and conditions from time to time to ensure that they are aware of any updates. If necessary, we will notify users by e-mail of changes to these terms and conditions or post a notice on our site. 



Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Our contact information is as follows: 


3900-1 Place Ville-Marie 
Montréal  H3B4M7 
Québec, Canada 


Date of last modification: October 25, 2023.