Association Québécoise de l'Industrie du Cannabis

David Bow


David has over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur and business owner. He has achieved over 85 million in sales and managed over 3000 employees. Today, David continues to take his place in the business world. His latest project fulfills his management skills in a growing industry. Involved in the cannabis industry since 2016, David is Founder and President of Origine Nature, a Quebec based cannabis cultivation company located in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, employing over 60 employees, and soon offering a production capacity of 40,000 square feet. David is also one of the founding members of the Quebec Cannabis Industry Association. Not only has David built another successful business, but he also dedicates most of his time to developing this industry in a sustainable manner by prioritizing education and research and development to make it a safe and prosperous industry for Quebec.

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