• THCV, H4CBD... Ces molécules dérivées du cannabis remplacent déjà les HHC
  • THCV, H4CBD... Ces molécules dérivées du cannabis remplacent déjà les HHC
  • THCV, H4CBD... Ces molécules dérivées du cannabis remplacent déjà les HHC

THCV, H4CBD... These cannabis-derived molecules are already replacing HHCInternational

Published 16 June 2023

"Farewell to HHC, welcome to THCV", retailers are already teasing on the Internet, offering discounts. "The next generation of HHC has arrived! Discover THCV and H4CBD at 30% off", they are promoting.

Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), a semi-synthetic derivative of cannabis, has been banned from sale and consumption since Tuesday. But molecules with similar effects are already in the spotlight.

Read also: HHC, the legal cannabis derivative that's all the rage and causing concern

Just two days ago, HHC and two of its derivatives, HHC-acetate (HHCO) and hexahydroxycannabiphorol (HHCP), were classified as narcotics by the French National Agency for the Safety and Use of Medicines (ANSM), after research showed that HHC presents "a risk of abuse and dependence equivalent to that of cannabis". The agency points to the similarity of the chemical structures of HHC and THC, a molecule already classified as a narcotic.

The 24-hour delay following the announcement of the ban came as a blow to those involved in the French CBD industry, who were authorized to market hemp-based products with a THC content of less than 0.3% (THC being a molecule already classified as a narcotic). The announcement also caught off guard consumers who had turned to this new substance as a way of turning away from illegal cannabis, in particular.

For those involved in the industry, the ban on HHC will not prevent other derivatives taking advantage of the legal uncertainty to take up the torch. "There are already H4CBD, PHC and THCP, to name but a few, which will replace HHC. Cannabis derivatives are arriving all the time, so it makes no sense to ban one of them," commented Alexandre Lacarré, founder of Phytocann, one of Europe's CBD market leaders, to Ouest-France on Tuesday.


This is how H4CBD came to be so popular. Like HHC, H4CBD is a semi-synthetic derivative of cannabidiol (CBD), i.e. a molecule of CBD (a natural cannabis extract) to which 4 hydrogen atoms have been added, explains the specialist site The CBD Guide . As for the effects, consumers report "an increased sense of well-being, combined with a slight psychoactive effect", though not as intense as THC consumption, reports the site.

While H4CBD is a hydrogenated form of CBD, its effects are different from HHC, which is a hydrogenated form of THC.

According to a study by researcher Shimon Ben-Shabat of Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, the molecule also has anti-inflammatory properties.

As a reminder, HHC is obtained by chemical synthesis from natural cannabinoids, producing psychotropic effects similar to those felt when THC is consumed, according to the ANSM. HHC was often sold on the Internet and in CBD stores in the form of oil, resin, smoking herb, spray, confectionery, e-liquid or even jelly, continues the agency, which points out that the HHC concentration of these products "is variable and can reach up to 99%, depending on the form and brand".

The ANSM has banned the sale and consumption of these derivatives, citing a long-term "risk of abuse and dependence, as with cannabis".


This cannabinoid, genetically very close to THC, is also being touted as the new alternative to HHC, by marketers.

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THC-V) is a cannabinoid, genetically very close to THC, with psychotropic properties, reports the specialist site Le Chanvrier français . It is also said to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

THC-V is found in high quantities (4-5%) in natural (non-hybrid) varieties of hemp and cannabis plants, the site continues.

If THC-V and H4CBD are still in the grey areas of French legislation, the similarities of these molecules with HHC and THC could in turn put them in the hot seat.

*If you have difficulty controlling and/or stopping your consumption of HHC, the ANSM refers you to the government website drogues-infos-services.fr.


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