• Rapport sur l'impact de la fiscalité et réglementation sur l'industrie du cannabis au Canada
  • Rapport sur l'impact de la fiscalité et réglementation sur l'industrie du cannabis au Canada
  • Rapport sur l'impact de la fiscalité et réglementation sur l'industrie du cannabis au Canada

Report on the impact of taxation and regulation on the cannabis industry in Canada Economy

Published 16 February 2023 by AQIC

Organizations that dive deep to understand cannabis’ transformational market opportunities, and focus accordingly, can make agile moves now to position themselves as sector leaders over the long term. If you’re not ahead of trends in the cannabis sector, you may feel you’re already falling behind. But this evolving global industry is still in its first inning. Companies that will lead this space 10 years from now have not yet been decided. The Cannabis Council of Canada engaged EY to develop a report on the overall effects of regulation and taxation on the cannabis industry in Canada. This report will analyze and assess the impact of taxation and compliance costs on the legal industry’s ability to compete effectively with unregulated and untaxed contraband products and thereby achieve the Cannabis Act objectives. The report will be used to engage in public debate over the optimal level of excise duties and related controls under the federal Excise Act, 2001 and the Cannabis Act.

SOURCE: Documentation zone of the AQIC

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