• British Columbians can now have cannabis delivered to their homes
  • British Columbians can now have cannabis delivered to their homes

Les Britanno-Colombiens peuvent maintenant se faire livrer du cannabis à la maisonActualité du jour

Publié le 11 juillet 2022 par AQIC

B.C. residents who are interested in having recreational cannabis dropped off at home can now have their order delivered by Canada Post couriers.

The province says it has expanded the number of ways that cannabis can be delivered in B.C., including by Canada Post and other delivery-service providers.

British Columbians must still order the cannabis through a licensed cannabis retail store (CRS), and the same quantity limits that apply in stores apply for delivery orders.

For example, you can only order a maximum of 30 grams of dried cannabis per order, the province says.

Only adults aged 19 or older can receive a cannabis delivery and must sign for the order. The deliveries can only go to B.C. addresses as well.

The province says expanding the number of delivery methods for recreational marijuana shops will open up opportunities in the budding industry.

"Expanding delivery-service options not only builds equality within the market, it also gives consumers one more reason to buy legal instead of illicit," said Mike Farnworth, B.C. Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

The Retail Cannabis Council of B.C. described delivery services as a "significant tool" for operators.

"Private retailers welcome this expanded delivery regime," said Jaclynn Pehota, president of the council.


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